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'The other Caucasus'


What is the present description of the Caucasus? What does it reality consist of? Myths, history, traditions, soviet past, institutions, patterns in relationships, conflicts, dreams, routine, new myths. Playing with these materials, to ignore, to, in an attempt to develop new spaces - the ways leading us to the other Caucasus.


Performance: Again, again.


In the performance, I played with wooden cubes, building some structures, knocking them down, and then building new ones. This performance represented an act of learning. I was like a child who was not afraid of destroying what he built, and whose fearlessness enabled him or her to create something better.

My work was a kind of declaration of hope: a suggestion that we learn from the destruction and become able to build something new from the ruins.
It was a one-hour interactive performance where everybody could join in and play together with me. 


Is it possible



The aim of the work was to change the relation towards money in society. In the Caucasian cognition the money can be equaled to an indulgence. Money, that gives you possibility to get power without knowledge, protection without professionalism, etc. 

A work, which is built according to the principle of interactivity, enables any wishing person to see his/her face on the national money banknote. Such fact shall change the point of view in relationship to money from the part of the society and shall fix a different relationship.

Again, again

Interactive Performance 01:00:00 

Material: Wooden cubs

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